
Commercialism & Knowledge (Kommerz & Wissen) are the words which reflect the meaning of K & W symbol and perfectly characterize the activity conducted by the company on numerous economic planes.

The letter K refers to a German word: KOMMERZ, meaning commercialisation; till the beginning of the 20th century in German-speaking countries the word meant also: commerce. In the times of commercialisation this historical word is a synonym of financial profit.

The letter W refers to a German word: WISSEN which means both knowledge and skills. The word was present already in historic German languages (Althochdeutsch as well as in Indo-German languages), and currently, in the times of globalism means reliable information combined with the skill to use it.

References to history and the skill to get integrated into the course of the present times emphasize that both tradition, habits and history as well as development and new trends are indicators of a brand name and constitute its value.

The combination of the words KOMMERZ and WISSEN creates an image of the company which runs commercial activity based upon its knowledge and skills. Both these pillars constitute solid foundations of our company’s financial success and they ideally fit in the company history.

Financial benefits – always bilateral and as high as possible – for both the clients and the company resulting from cooperation based on many years of mutual trust and respect are the key priorities of the company. This philosophy accompanies us since the very beginning of our activity.

A huge amount of practical and theoretical knowledge supported with many years of valuable experience in numerous areas of economic life, added with quick economic information and excellent staff composed of highest-level professionals are the most important assets of the company. In our commercial activity the unique knowledge we possess co-creates not only our brand but also constitutes a marketed product. Due to all the above factors, commercialism and knowledge are inseparable elements deciding about the quality, character and power of K & W symbol.



Commercialism and knowledge in its best form!